Sunday, September 7, 2008

Monkey Times in Delhi

This is true. Due to the 'monkey menace' in Delhi, they have set up a 'monkey catcher' incentive programme. Any one who can catch a monkey, bring it to the authorities gets Rs. 500. Not bad, so far!
This is a true story I heard last night.
A westerner got pestered by monkeys. So he decided to get them caught and give it to the authorities. He went to a monkey catcher. The monkey catcher caught "a" monkey and he handed him over to the authorities and pocketed the money. The problem continued. The catcher got called in almost daily and got Rs 500 each time he turned in the money. Until one day, the poor white man realised that the monkey 'looked very familiar'. He asked the monkey catcher, why the monkey looked so familiar. The catcher said 'Sir, all monkeys looked alike'. Then the poor white man decided to investigate (but ofcourse!!). He found out that the 'monkey was being recyled'. Ha!
This was part of the deal. Pester the westerners, get the monkey catcher in, hand over the same monkey each time to the authorities, and pocket the money. Share it with the authorities. Then recyle until you found another scape goat! It happens only in India.
And then to add to this bizariety...yesterday the papers say that New Delhi's deputy mayor falls to death because of monkey mayhem. It's true. Read it!
These are monkey times eh! Don't monkey around too much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey love reading this....cant wait for the next edition, thought there might be one on this morning already ..........from GLK Aka GingylovesKali